数据和行为在哪里相遇: The Internet of Behaviors

作者: 克里斯•麦高文
发表日期: 2023年7月5日

行为互联网(Internet of behavior, IoB)是一个在科技行业日益流行的概念,旨在为澳门赌场官方下载提供有关消费者行为的有价值的见解. 这个概念描述了如何从各种连接互联网的设备(如网络设备)收集用户数据.g.(智能手机、可穿戴设备). 全球有超过130亿个连接的物联网(IoT)设备,预计将达到25个.到2030年,将有40亿台物联网设备.1 Clearly, there is no shortage of data. 然而, the enormous amount of data generated by IoT devices was, 直到最近, not being manipulated to understand human behavior, 为IoB铺平了道路.2 现在对数据进行分析,以确定可以帮助组织改进其产品和服务的模式和趋势, personalize their marketing strategies and enhance the overall customer experience. 然而, as is the case with any new technology, IoB has both benefits and risk.


IoB最重要的优势之一是能够创建个性化的营销策略. By collecting data on consumer behavior, enterprises gain valuable insights into customer preferences, 购买习惯和兴趣. 这些信息可以用来为特定的消费者群体定制营销信息和产品, resulting in higher engagement rates and increased sales. 例如, IoB can analyze data from a person’s social media accounts, 浏览历史记录和购买习惯,以创建更有可能与他们产生共鸣的目标广告. 这有助于澳门赌场官方下载通过减少花费在不太可能转化为客户的受众上的广告资源来提高营销投资回报率(ROI).3

IoB的使用可以帮助组织通过洞察客户如何与产品和服务交互来改善客户体验. By analyzing data on customer behavior, enterprises can identify pain points and areas for improvement, and make changes to their offerings to better meet the needs of their customers.


In addition to being useful for targeting retail customers, IoB has significant implications for patients receiving healthcare services. Healthcare systems utilize IoB to monitor patients remotely, especially those with chronic conditions. By collecting data from wearable devices and other Internet-connected devices, 医疗保健提供者可以跟踪患者的行为并识别可能指示患者病情变化的模式. This allows for early intervention and may prevent further complications. By collecting data on patient behavior, 医疗保健提供者可以识别没有按规定服药的患者,并提供有针对性的干预措施,以提高依从性. 医疗保健提供者还可以使用IoB来跟踪行为变化,并识别可能表明症状恶化的模式.4


IoB还可以通过提供对用户行为的有价值的见解和帮助识别潜在的安全威胁来增强安全性. 例如, 它可以通过监视用户行为和识别异常或偏离正常模式来检测欺诈行为. 这对于在涉及欺诈的金融交易或其他应用程序中检测欺诈可能很有用. 通过收集用户行为数据并使用机器学习(ML)算法来识别模式和异常,5 IoB可以帮助澳门赌场官方下载在潜在的安全威胁成为问题之前识别它们.

通过收集用户行为数据并使用机器学习(ML)算法来识别模式和异常, IoB可以帮助澳门赌场官方下载在潜在的安全威胁成为问题之前识别它们.


要建立和维护IoB系统,组织必须克服几个明显的障碍, 最终, 获得IoB的好处. 成功最具挑战性的障碍是从消费者和员工那里收集敏感信息.6 隐私 is a significant concern surrounding IoB. 收集关于用户行为的大量数据引发了关于谁有权访问这些信息以及如何使用这些信息的问题. There is a risk that personal data could be misused or exploited, leading to privacy violations and other negative consequences. 例如, 在医学领域, 重要的是要解决隐私问题并确保患者数据得到保护. With so much personal data being collected and stored, there is a risk that they could be hacked or stolen, leading to serious consequences for both individuals and enterprises. If cybercriminals gain access to a person’s sensitive personal information, this could lead to identity theft and may be used to apply for credit, file taxes or receive medical services. 这些行为会损害信用状况,并花费身份盗窃受害者的时间和金钱来恢复他们的声誉.

澳门赌场官方下载s can also be affected by the loss of data. A data breach can severely damage an enterprise’s brand reputation, leading to a loss of customers and revenue. 它还可能导致对未能保护敏感数据的组织采取法律行动.

由于收集了如此多的数据,另一个问题是所收集的数据可能存在偏见. If certain groups of people are overrepresented in the data, it could lead to biases in the insights gained from the data. 这可能导致不公平的做法和决定,对某些群体产生负面影响.

通过IoB收集的数据如何使用缺乏透明度是一个严重的问题. Consumers may not be aware of how their data are being collected, 储存与使用, which raises questions about the ethical implications of the concept. Transparency is key to gaining and maintaining digital trust.7

To mitigate these challenges and ensure a secure IoB program, 制定包括具体目标和目的的明确战略是很重要的. 将收集哪些数据, 它们将如何使用, and how they will be protected should be identified. 处理数据的专业人员应及时了解与数据隐私相关的法规要求,并确保IoB程序符合这些要求. Transparency is also key to establish trust with stakeholders. 建立健壮的数据治理框架对于确保收集数据至关重要, 储存与使用 in a responsible and ethical manner. 通过遵守这些最佳实践,组织可以减少IoB计划的困难,并保证它在提供好处的同时保护数据的隐私和安全.


IoB是一种不断发展的方法,有可能彻底改变澳门赌场官方下载的运营方式. By collecting data on user behavior, organizations can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and habits, leading to more personalized marketing strategies, improved customer experiences and increased operational efficiency. 然而,与任何新概念一样,人们对隐私和数据保护感到担忧. 确保用户个人信息的安全并尊重他们的隐私对于成功实施和采用iob相关技术至关重要. Without adequate privacy protections, users may be hesitant to share their personal data, which could limit the potential benefits of IoB use. 必须在IoB的好处和隐私保护的需要之间找到一个可接受的平衡.


1 豪沃思J.; “80+ Amazing IoT Statistics (2023-2030),《澳门赌场官方下载》,2023年3月16日
2 托马斯,我.; “The Internet of Behaviors—A Paradigm Shift,《澳门赌场官方下载》,2022年6月21日
3 Laptick,年代.; “What’s the Internet of Behavior and How It Can Help to Keep Your Customers Happy,”XB软件,2023年3月7日
4 Javaid, M.; A. Haleem; R. P. Singh; S. Khan; R. Suman; “An Extensive Study on Internet of Behavior (IoB)-Enabled Healthcare Systems: Features, 主持人, 和挑战,” BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, vol. 2,国际空间站. 4, 2022
5 拉莫斯,E.; “The Internet of Behavior Is the Next Trend to Watch,” 《澳门赌场官方下载》, 2023年3月13日
6 Muzzamil K.; “Internet of Behavior Advantages and Disadvantages,《澳门赌场官方软件》,2022年6月6日
7 谢弗,D.; “The Complete Guide to Data Transparency《澳门赌场官方软件》,2023年1月20日


ISACA®内容开发和服务团队的信息安全专业实践负责人是谁. 在这个角色中, 他领导与ISACA成员相关的信息安全思想领导计划. 麦高恩是一名成就卓著的美国海军老兵,拥有近23年的多学科安全和网络作战经验.