
让你的名字出现在你的同事面前, 交流思想, 获得CPE学分, 让自己成为专家. 作者应涵盖相关内容, new developments in the field or in-depth technically oriented subjects with a broad appeal and focus on practical matters.


每期都着重关注一个主题, 但也涉及了其他感兴趣的话题, 确保全面报道.

提交一篇文章是免费的 杂志.

杂志 is published 6 times per year and combines short columns with longer feature articles. 此外, 杂志 每周提供在线独家文章. 这些文章都经过同样严格的双盲同行评审过程.


我们邀请您提交文章的任何主题的一部分 杂志's 编辑日历 以及业界感兴趣的其他话题.


发表一篇文章 ISACA杂志 给你提供了几个好处. 这会让你的名字出现在同龄人面前, establishes you as an expert in a technical area and enables you to 交流思想 with your colleagues. 此外, 杂志 作者有资格获得cpe, ISACA认可的“文章出版”认证, monographs and books" category of the Contributions to the Profession section of Qualifying Educational Activities.

ISACA杂志 在卡贝尔的(http://www.卡贝尔.com).


Authors should cover either new developments in the field or in-depth technically oriented subjects. Major features should have broad appeal and focus on practical matters; purely theoretical material is not solicited. 作者不需要是协会澳门赌场官方软件.

ISACA杂志 主要出版原创手稿. 然而,在某些情况下,完成的手稿也将被考虑. Advertising and public relations agency submissions are considered only if the submissions are objective, 平衡并引用美国和非美国国家的例子.


ISACA杂志超过250人,000读者是实践者, 全球180多个国家的经理和高级管理人员. 的 circulation list is a combination of association members; paid subscribers, 包括大学, corporate and government libraries worldwide; and pass-alongs.


  • 杂志 读者包括信息系统审计员, 信息系统审计经理, 是咨询师, 合规/风险/隐私专家, IT经理, IT安全经理和执行经理, 等.
  • More than 65 percent work in companies with an annual budget of more than US $1 million.
  • 32%的人通过了他们的考试 杂志 至少还有三个人.
  • 就感知到的好处而言 杂志, 读者率访问独家, 同行评议, 非商业行业相关的内容是最重要的.


文章可能是对研究或经验发现的事实陈述, 或者他们可以表达作者对相关主题的看法 杂志 读者. (评论文章将明确标明.) Articles should be from four to ten double-spaced pages (standard Word document in 12 pt Times New Roman) in length. Articles may be edited for length and appropriateness of content for our 读者.

A strong article will commingle the pertinent facts with references to personal experience, 并使用轶事来说明作者的要点. 引用其他相关专家的话也增加了文章的深度. Please obtain quotes and add perspective from as broad a mix of countries as possible, 在承认国际性质的 杂志 读者. 强烈鼓励使用参考文献和/或尾注, as they increase the relevance and significance of an article and increase its relevance to the industry’s general body of knowledge. 的 作者 is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission for quoted or borrowed material.

Articles based on surveys or questionnaires must indicate when and where the study was done, 关联被调查者的数量, and include a brief analysis of the results and an evaluation of the significance of the results.

Authors are strongly encouraged to include exhibits, graphics and artwork for an article. 的y will assist the reader in comprehending and retaining the information in your article. Such items are treated as text manuscripts requiring the same warranties and assignments. Art files should be submitted separately from the text, in jpg, tif or gif format. Again, the 作者 is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission for borrowed material.


的 following guidelines must be followed when formatting a document for submission to the 杂志:

  • Electronic submission is required; in Microsoft Word is preferable.
  • 以下文件参数必须遵循:
    • 关闭连字符.
    • 两倍行距行.
    • 页码在右上角.
    • 关闭右对齐选项.
    • 不使用自动化页眉/页脚.
    • Turn off track changes and ensure all changes have been accepted/rejected, as appropriate.
    • 删除所有注释.
    • 选择标准打印机规格.
    • 避免使用特殊字符或键. (例如,对于缩进,使用TAB而不是缩进键.)
  • 文章长度应在4到10页之间, 双倍行距(标准Word文档,12 pt Times New Roman). 文章将被编辑的长度和适当的内容 杂志 读者.
  • 在文章末尾使用尾注,而不是脚注来标明出处. 包括所有相关的来源信息.g., 作者, 出版商, 书或文章的标题, 杂志的名字, 出版日期/年份, 出版国家). 遵循下面提供的“作者版权声明”指南.
  • 包括任何和所有一般参考资料的参考部分. 包括所有相关的来源信息.g., 作者, 出版商, 书或文章的标题, 杂志的名字, 出版日期/年份, 出版国家). 遵循下面提供的“作者版权声明”指南.
  • 附上个人简介,包括目前的职位, background, 社会兼职, 以及出版的书籍或文章. 避免包含教育信息.
  • 提交英文材料,作者的首选语言或两者兼而有之. 鼓励非英语文章.


Citations or copyright acknowledgements are needed for any materials that are not solely the original creation of the 作者. 向ISACA提交工作时, these copyrighted materials must be clearly identified to ensure that proper attribution and credit is given to the original copyright holder. 这些信息通常分为两类:


  • Written material that is not the original idea or creation of the 作者 should include a citation in the form of an endnote. 这包括从其他来源转述的材料.
  • 直接引语应该包括上下文.
    • 如果要引用大量的文本, 可能需要获得版权所有者的正式许可.


  • 图形 include, but are not limited to, figures, tables, photographs and diagrams.
  • Any graphic from an outside source must have a complete citation line when submitted with the draft.
  • 图形图像文件应与草稿一起提交.
  • Any graphic material that is adapted from a third-party source or uses third-party source material requires a citation or reference indicating this.


  • 引用和参考文献应包括在a 最低:
    • 作者(如适用)
    • 如适用,书的标题、书的章节、文章及/或网页
    • 如果是一篇文章,杂志或出版物的标题
    • 如果是一本书,出版商的名称和地点
    • 出版日期
    • 完整的URL,如果适用的话
    • 所用材料的原始图号和/或位置/页码

Periodicals 作者 must make all permissions requests and be able to provide proof of permission upon request. ISACA保留拒绝或替换任何版权材料的权利.

Any questions pertaining to permissions and/or copyrighted material can be sent to publication@callmela.net.


提交给《澳门赌场官方软件》的稿件一经收到,工作人员将予以确认. 稿件须经委员会两名或两名以上成员审阅 杂志 审查小组.

双盲, 同行评审过程通常需要四到六周, 取决于文章的长度, 其复杂性, 和 anticipated date of publication or the topic’s relevance to upcoming themes. 当审查过程完成时, 作者 will be informed of the reviewers’ comments and recommendations regarding publication.

发表在《澳门赌场官方软件》上的每一篇文章都是 杂志整体版权, as specified in the Author Warranty and Copyright Assignment form that 作者 are asked to sign.

Accepted articles are usually published within three to six months of their acceptance. 发表文章的作者可以收到三份. 其他副本可根据要求收到. 没有酬金 杂志 作者.

手稿出版于 ISACA杂志 是根据语法和语法进行编辑的 《澳门赌场官方下载》风格和用法手册韦氏大学词典 (www.梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特.com). 重要的内容修订将返回给作者.


ISACA obtains first international serial rights to any published manuscript in the ISACA杂志. 尽管人们尽了一切努力来保持作者(或作者)的风格,但 杂志 编辑委员会和工作人员保留对文章的编辑权利.

文章出版后可再版. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 IPinfo@callmela.net.


请将稿件作为Microsoft Word附件通过电子邮件发送, 以及JPG格式的插图, Tif或GIF附件, to: publication@callmela.net.



起草手稿需要时间和练习. Crafting an article to fit a publication's style requires an eye for editorial detail. 这里有一些关于……的建议 ISACA杂志 这将有助于潜在作者的出版:

把读者放在心里. 记住,虽然读者是老练的观众, 在技术培训和教育方面, 他们也很忙. Be concise when expressing ideas and use subheadings to break up the text and make skimming easier.

  • 遵循新闻风格. Provide details that illustrate the position expressed in the article and follow a logical progression of ideas. 改变句子的长度,使阅读更容易,并吸引读者.
  • 用第三人称写作.
  • 用主动语态书写. (例如,用“写出句子...而不是“这句话应该写出来。...".)
  • 使用具体的例子和案例历史来说明要点, 但要注意不要提拔某个人, 公司, 产品或服务.
  • 清楚地称呼读者. 避免不必要的复杂词汇、陈词滥调和过多的行话.
  • 使用项目符号使要点更容易阅读.
  • 最后对文章的主要观点进行总结.
  • If the article becomes too long, consider separating some of the copy to form a sidebar. Sidebars should include supporting facts or data and should be no longer than 250 words.
  • 随稿件一起提供支持性的表格、数字、图表或艺术品. Indicators of the location of supporting illustrations should be included in the text, so the 杂志 staff will know where to place them and so the reader can easily determine the relevance, 但实际的图像本身应该以JPG格式提交, Tif或GIF文件, 与文本分离. Titles should be included that explain the relevance and significance of these supporting items.
  • Please do not submit articles with automatic headers and footers or track changes functions engaged.
  • 最后修改一下这篇文章,去掉不必要的词. 确保段落流畅、有逻辑.


Betsie埃斯蒂斯, bestes@callmela.net

Asiah刘易斯 alewis@callmela.net
阿比盖尔诺顿 anorton@callmela.net

1700 E. 高尔夫路,400套房